We don’t like to boast but we were described by Jimmy McLoughlin OBE as “The best careers page I have ever seen, and I probably look at two dozen a week”.

And now that modesty is out the window, we’re very proud to say that, as of October 2023, Nous is officially a B Corp 🎉. This means we’ve been formally accredited for our commitment to exceptionally high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.

We are Nous and we are looking for brilliant people

🤔 Who we are

🖋 What is working with us like?

🔧 The nuts and bolts

😎 Who you will work with

😅 Interviewing at Nous

🔭 Our values

We're making life simpler and fairer

Nous is an intelligent assistant that helps households manage their bills, saving them money and time. We founded the business on the belief that its wrong to penalise people if they don’t have the capacity or inclination to ensure they’re always getting the fairest deal for basic utilities.

Yet the reality is that millions of households are still overpaying for things like energy, broadband and mobiles. And it’s not just by a few pounds here or there either - for many households it can be thousands of pounds per year, which hits all the harder in the context of an ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

That’s why we’ve created a service to liberate households from drudgery and make people’s lives simpler and fairer (and it’s this commitment to our social mission that underpins our B Corp accreditation).

We're based in London, have an experienced management team, and we're backed by a selection of world-class investors. We currently have a number of open roles for people who want to come aboard a rocket ship as we hit hyper-growth mode, and scale something extraordinary.

A story from before we existed

We're often asked, 'What made you choose this idea?' Fewer people ask, 'Why, of all the things you could do with your life, did you choose to start a company?'

It's an important question, because the answer is behind a lot of our decisions.

For us as founders, before we even committed to starting something together, we spoke about the periods in our lives when we'd been part of a fantastic team, with the right culture, focussed on an important, difficult problem—and something amazing happened. These were not easy periods, they were hard and sometimes exhausting phases, but they were also enormously rewarding, formative experiences.

We started this company so we can do our best work, together.

It isn't just about the outcome – the reward is in the building. This is what we want to do. Solving hard problems with great people. Building something from nothing. Doing our best work.

<aside> 🎧 But don’t just take it from us - listen to Nous CEO, Greg Marsh, on Jimmy's Jobs of the Future podcast, where he talks about entrepreneurship, what it's like to work at Nous, and why we're so passionate about helping households save money: https://podfollow.com/jimmysjobs/view


Open positions


Sales Development Rep

Account Executive

Customer Success Associate

Operations & service

Customer Ops Associate

Engineering & product

Product Engineer

Analytics Engineer

Product Manager

Central team

Business Analyst

Finance Manager (PT)

<aside> 💡 Couldn't find the role you were looking for but think you have something to bring to the table? Send your CV (or LinkedIn profile) to jobs@nous.co along with some context on what you could help us do!


What you can expect working with us

“When the Gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.” — Oscar Wilde

Since its public launch in May 2024, Nous has been growing rapidly — very rapidly.

On the one hand that is excellent news: we can barely keep up with demand for the service, there are features we need to have built the day before yesterday, and — fundamentally — what we are doing matters.

On the other hand, there are easier ways to make a living. Life in a rapidly growing start-up isn’t for the faint-hearted. It can be frenetic, chaotic and demanding. There’s still plenty of ambiguity because often the thing that needs to be done (the thing that you have been tasked to do) hasn’t been done before. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done; that’s why you’re here. But it requires first principles problem-solving, thinking on your feet, moving quickly — but not too quickly. It’s difficult, in a good way perhaps, but it it is difficult.

Don’t worry. Not every day is like this.

Don’t worry. Not every day is like this.

You have to be accountable to your manager, but also to customers, to suppliers, to stakeholders, to your colleagues—and to the mission. Balancing those things requires an alertness and a good sense of judgment. You also have to work hard — sometimes very hard.

The people who tend to thrive in a high growth business are ones who read those two paragraphs and feel excited rather than scared. This isn’t for everyone.

The smooth and the rough

While this challenge isn’t for everyone, for those who thrive on it, it’s immensely fun.

You get to work with insanely smart people (and a rapidly growing number of them) — people who came top of their class and some of the world’s best universities, people whose hobbies are solving puzzles and making things, or cooking world-class food just because.

You get to build a product that touches people’s lives. Helping people save money, save time, be able to face each month knowing that Nous has their back and is taking care of their finances — that’s straightforwardly a good thing, and it doesn’t take scholastics to rationalise why. Tech can be a force for good and can really help people, so long as you do it the right way.

You get to work on genuinely interesting problems. Building one of the world’s first agentic systems is a fascinating intellectual challenge. And it’s an extensively complex problem, not a narrow one for ultra-geeks. Extensive complexity isn’t mastered by a small number of brilliant academics in a room with whiteboards, it’s mastered by broad cross-functional teams, each grappling with different corners of the challenge at the same time.

Although there are still plenty of whiteboards. We quite like those.

In a land far far away before PMF…

Our ambition was always to create something from nothing. To launch a new kind of product that would give rise to a completely new category of service.

Through a process of disciplined experimentation, we tested our way into the unknown. We knew our first versions would be bad, but we'd love them if only to learn from them— even if sometimes our early users didn’t.

Now we find ourselves in a post-product-market fit world, growing our product and our team just-in-time to meet too much demand.

There was also a world before product-market fit when we had time to pose for photos like this…

There was also a world before product-market fit when we had time to pose for photos like this…

It’s not that it’s all solved — far from it. The product still has more than a few rough edges. Worse than that: there are yet pieces entirely missing. But that’s where you come in.

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want