We all need heat and light to live. Unfortunately, the cost of making our homes comfortable has risen dramatically since 2021, with extreme volatility in energy wholesale prices leading to huge increases for bills.

The market is regulated by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, known as Ofgem, whose role is to protect consumers by promoting competition and fair practise within the industry.

This page provides an overview of the major UK energy suppliers, summarises recent industry news, and gives some advice and tips, as well as sources for further support.

Contents of this page

Category index


Supplier database

The top 8 suppliers account for 80% of the UK gas and electricity market.

According to the latest data, Octopus Energy has now overtaken British Gas to become the country’s largest domestic electricity supplier.


Our independent and honest reviews of each supplier collate information from trusted sources into one place to guide you in finding the best solution for your electricity and gas needs.

Energy providers

Full list of UK domestic energy suppliers

How to save money on energy

The energy crisis means there are currently limited deals offering a cheaper price than the Standard Variable Tariff rate set by the Ofgem’s Energy Price Cap.

Energy companies have started to offer fixed deals again, but most don’t offer good long-term value.

Some of the ways to substantially bring down your bills are improving the energy efficiency of your home, or reducing the amount of power you use.

Another way is to **switch providers with Nous.** Most households can save more than £120 without committing to a fixed deal.

A large proportion of your energy bill comes from heating your home and hot water. For the most up-to-date practical advice, read our guide to Saving money on energy.

<aside> 🆘 If you are struggling with energy debt and need urgent help with your energy bills, see this guide


What kind of tariff am I on?